At Kama Tantric, we offer the best and most amazing erotic pleasure massages to our clients who are looking forward to have some sensual delights apart from getting rid of their physical and emotional pain. Tantric massage offered by us does wonders in wiping off all kinds of pain apart from invoking one’s sexual self in the most positive manner. At Supreme Tantric, we have an entire fleet of masseuses whom we fondly address as goddesses that are young, sexy and would never leave any stone unturned to satisfy our client’s needs and desires. The full body tantric massage experience offered by our goddesses is of no match to any kind of sensual massage you’ll ever have as this massage would help you reach those unprecedented levels of pleasures that a normal tantric massage can never offer.
In our Sydney tantric massage category, we even offer the special tantric/ lingam massage session that lets our clients enjoy the company of our female goddesses in the most unusual and sexually pleasing manner. The lingam massage session involves erotic activities focused towards adoration of the penis and massage acts that’ll prove to be nothing but extremely pleasurable to all our male clients. This tantric massage will leave your body in a happy state of mind that you must not have imagined before.
Frequently asked Questions about Tantric Massage Sydney
What is Sydney tantric massage?
Tantric massage may not mean what you think. Contrary to popular belief, a true erotic massage does not include sex. It is important to know that the concept of “tantra” is based on methods of “awakening,” by meeting of opposites. This is not limited to sex, and includes eating habits and meditative activities. A tantric massage, then, is the joining of both relaxation (yin) and awakening (yang).
What is the difference between a tantric massage, and a regular massage?
A typical masseur will focus on relaxation only. This is why most of us associate a massage with being relaxed. A tantric massage will move between relaxation, and energy stimulating techniques. When done correctly, one should feel a sense of completeness and inner peace after a tantric massage.
Does a tantric massage include sexual organs?
Again, despite what you might have heard, a tantric massage does not have to include the touching of genitals. Because of the use of energy flow, a person can experience arousal, and even sexual climax without any touch of the sexual organs. Legal obligations must be met first, but a tantric massage can include genital stimulation in order to align sexual organs with the rest of the body. A good masseuse will give you the option.
What are the benefits of a tantric massage?
The main benefit of a tantric massage is the union of sexual organs and the rest of the body. We often see genitalia as a separate part of the body, and treat it as such. When we do this, energy flow is off-balanced because we cut sexual organs off from the rest of our bodies. This leads to another misconception about orgasm. An orgasm is an experience that should include the entire body, not just genitals. When the union of sexual organs and the body as a whole happens, orgasms become pleasurable for the entire body, and not just sexual organs.
Will I experience the same benefits without having an orgasm?
Yes. One does not have to have an orgasm during a tantric massage to receive the full benefits. As the union between genitals and the rest of the body is made, sexual energy becomes a part of all of the energy flowing in our bodies. Even if you do not have an orgasm during the massage, you will still see a difference in your sexual activities, because the energy in your body is regulated with or without an orgasm.
Who should get a tantric massage?
With an open mind, anyone and everyone will benefit from a tantric massage. Many couples receive massages together and have found that they are closer to one another, and see improvements in their sex lives. A well-trained tantric massage therapist can even help some recover from traumatic sexual experiences.