How to make sure you have a good experience with Sensual masseuse

To make sure you have the best experience with Kama’s masseuse, you have to follow some rules, we know most of our clients already respect the rules very well because it is kind of common sense in erotic massage industry and the massage room etiquettes are very much the same at any other sensual massage parlours all over the world. Still , we would like to state it on our website to avoid any misunderstanding possible. Hope you all have great adult massage experience at Sydney!

nude massage room etiquette

Sydney Kama massage service etiquettes

KAMA Massage Sydney take great pride in providing our esteemed Clients with the highest quality personalised service available anywhere, from awe-inspiring naturist massages to breath-taking, gorgeous masseuses. To further enhance your KAMA Massage Experience and for your added benefit, we kindly ask you observe the following Client Code of Conduct during a KAMA Massage Massage:

1. Every KAMA Massage Massage is a unique and amazing sensual experience designed to be RECEIVED and enjoyed. Just let the masseuse do all the work

2. Always respect the masseuse personal boundaries and refrain from fondling or groping.

3. KAMA Adult Masseuses at Sydney are dedicated, highly trained career professionals. They are NOT ESCORTS, nor do they provide. any sexual services. We ask ALL CLIENTS to respect their professional pride and refrain from soliciting or asking for extra services (NO INTERCOURSE, NO FULL SEXUAL RELATIONS OF ANY KIND). For the avoidance of doubt, KAMA Massage Masseuses are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO CARRY OUT OR ACCEPT PAYMENT FOR SEXUAL SERVICES DURING CLIENT ENGAGEMENT.

4. Every KAMA Massage Massage is designed to be an extremely intimate experience. As such, please be mindful of personal and intimate hygiene, washing thoroughly shortly prior to the masseuse arrival. The better the hygiene, the better the massage, as the masseuse will be able to perform a fuller massage for your greatest delight.

KAMA Massage Sydney operate a strict policy regarding Client misconduct. We kindly ask ALL CLIENTS, existing and new, to be fully aware of the importance of maintaining a PERFECT RECORD FOR BEHAVIOUR AND HYGIENE to benefit from continued access to our services, as many advanced massages in the Collection are only available by invitation to select Clients with a perfect record.

KAMA Massage Sydney unequivocally request ALL CLIENTS to abide to, and respect the boundaries set forth under Terms of Enjoyment. Misbehaviour breaching these Terms will result in an immediate and permanent ban from our adult massage services.