The Sydney soapy masasge was a special sensual massage service from Thailand, now we’ve develop the soapy erotic massage from the original version of soapy massage into a more unique and fragrant experience. We have created the Bathing Erotic Massage for people who really want to learn some special and unique experience. Our bathing ritual is an invitation to ash off the stress of everyday life. It is most enjoyable way to let yourself go into your goddess arms and prepare yourself to an intense, extended massage that will blow your mind away.

It is a combination of precious fragrant essences, relaxing music, warm water, head and shoulder massage. The entire bathing ritual takes half and hour, while your goddess bathes you, caresses you gently with cloths and finally dries you. After bathing ritual you can enjoy Unique Tantric Massage, Prostate and Lingam massage. The recommended session is 90 minutes.

You can choose one of the following sessions for your Bathing Soapy Massage.

Soapy massage in Sydney